Mary Poplin shows how to track some shots that may prove difficult using the new Mocha Pro 3d Camera tracker feature.

Mary also shows how Mocha exports 3D tracking data to both After Effects and Cinema 4D.

In the previous versions of Mocha Pro, it really excelled at tracking shots that were difficult of other types of trackers, and in the new release with the addition of the Mocha 3D Camera Solver module, Imagineer has extended that capability to 3D tracking and export. So great.

from the tutorial description: In this tutorial, Mary Poplin shows you how to planar track a difficult whip-pan in a shot and drop 3D models into a composite in both After Effects and Cinema 4D.

The process covers:
• Tracking long shots
• Tracking shots where you don’t have good planar information for the entire length of the shot
• Avoiding Reflections, Shadows, and other hiccups for the planar tracker
• Using the 3D camera solver and it’s settings
• Exporting 3D cameras to After Effects and Cinema 4D
• Setting up your shot in After Effects and Cinema 4D