Allegorithmic posts a little sneak look at one of the most anticipated features of the soon to be released Substance Designer 3 the ability to Batch process and replicate common operations. This will be a HUGE advantage and really speed up workflows when using Substance Designer by allowing you to process any number of meshes and textures at the same time.

Substance Designer 3 includes new, dedicated and empowering features and tools such as a major batching system, letting you batch process numerous meshes and textures at the same time, or a powerful paint system freeing most of the artists’ needs when it comes to basic image editing.

Substance Designer 3 is planned for a end of summer release with special early upgrade and pre-order savings. UpgradeSave 30% off when you upgrade from Substance Designer 2.X to Substance Designer 3 by July 31st. To upgrade, just log on the website with your account and click on Pre Order to get it at $200.

Pre-Order Get a $100 voucher for other products if you pre-order at Substance Designer’s regular price before July 31st.
When you pre-order Substance Designer 3 you automatically get Substance Designer 2.5.1, meaning you can immediately start creating your game.