Eric Mootz has posted a little look into the pretty sweet looking “Evolution” trailer that was created for the latest release of emFlock2 for Softimage which adds the ability to use an evolution attribute along with emFly to have particles that will change from one shape to the other.

Eric also shows how to use the emFly tool in emFlock2 as well as the Evolution tool representing a solid look at how to get started using them in your own projects.

Recently and shortly after the  emTools for Softimage Update, a new update to emFlock2 was rolled out, bringing the version up to 2.3.  The Evolution attribute is one of the newer enhancements in emFlock2 with the ability to have particles fly around and land on objects in a specific order… from top to bottom as an example. emFlock2 has a version available as a trial and if you wish to purchase, retails for 99 Euros, and will work with Softimage 2011 SP1 and above.

emFlock is a flocking simulator for Softimage ICE and along with the flocking ICE node comes a handfull of usefull compounds, and also includes a set of compounds called emFly. emFly compounds allow you to define flying paths for the particles making it easy to flock of particles from one shape into another.