Shaun Keenan takes a look at changing up the user interface in Zbrush for overall better workflow, and for workflow related tasks. Aimed at new and beginning users to ZBrush, Shaun shows how you are able to set up ZBrush so everything makes a little more sense and tools are closer at hand. I am sure more than a few people have tried to use ZBrush to find it really strange in the sense that it is so “unlike” any other application in general, let alone any other 3D application.
I know that is the reason I never really got into ZBrush much… with the menu system in alphabetical order, it was just too much for me :). Check the tutorial for Customizing The ZBrush User Interface To Enhance Productivity here.
The user interface of any 3d software package can be a little overwhelming, especially when using one that you’re not too familiar with. There may be many tools, menus or buttons you don’t need, or care to use. UI customization is key, to not only increase overall speed and ease of use, but to greatly improve productivity.
Also of note from a previous post, Pointpusher Danny Williams has a little tutorial that covers how to adjust the Zbrush 4.0 UI however these steps also work for previous versions of Zbrush. He also has provided a free to download custom UI that you are able to get here: Check out the ZBRUSH 4 CUSTOM USER INTERFACE TUTORIAL here.