Valen Wagner shares his “facelift” for the mental ray mia_photometric_Light panel in Maya, providing an AE Template that will make the layout of options for it much more logical and way more intuitive.

The mia_photometric_light AE Template will provide a new and segmented layout for the mental ray photometric light in Maya’s attribute editor.

… It has helpful pop-ups when you mouse over the attributes, and I have added a Color Preset attribute where you can choose from some common light sources…

Having just used the mia_photometric_light recently, this AE Template for Maya comes with a smile on my face, however, I have to stop and wonder why just stop at re-vamping the photometric light? Why not just do it all, because the updated one makes it way more clear.

Installation for the mia_photometric_light AE Template is simple by copying the attached files into your Documents,maya, current version, scripts folder. Restart Maya. When you create a mia_photometric_light and open it in the Attribute Editor the new layout should be presented.