Some previews later, Marker Manager for Cinema 4D sees a release, from the mind of Brett Bays, Marker Manager for Cinema 4D is a tool that will allow you to manage the creating and shifting of markers in the Cinema 4D Timeline.
Marker Manager is a python plugin designed to make creating, renaming, and retiming significantly easier when working with markers
Timeline markers become an integral part of creating complex animation, if for nothing else, to keep your sanity in check. Marker Manager is a Panel for Cinema 4D that will allow you to create and manage virtually any aspect of timeline markers.
You are able to easily create or delete markers, add colors to markers, filter out marker lists, retime the markers easily, use groups to manage markers better, and you are even able to create markers in bulk all at once. Check out the Marker Manager Plugin for Cinema 4D over at C4DTools here.
Marker Manager for Cinema 4D Sees Release #vfx #cg #3d
RT @lesterbanks: Marker Manager for Cinema 4D Sees Release:
Marker Manager for Cinema 4D Sees Release #maya #vfx #cg #3d