We all need to do it at some point… create some sort of data driven chart with a bit of flare for a project and if you are using Maya, your choices for creating charts easily has just increased thanks to Mostafa Talebi.

Animating and Designing Charts for various purposes now is possible with one click and several simple settings. You may render them with high quality shading to boost the beautiness of your final production

MT Chart Designer is a FreeWare script for Autodesk Maya that allows you to create and animate charts easily in Maya, providing an interface with some simple settings choices.

You are able to create column, cube, or curve charts, apply simple animation settings and input all the data needed for your chart all in one handy interface. Check out MT Chart Designer for Maya for creating and rendering charts here.

Mostafa has also provided a little tutorial showing his MT Chart Designer for Maya in action showing a chart from inception, creation, animation and all the way to rendering using MT Chart Designer.


  1. A

    The second version is also available.

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