Patrick Eischen provides a great and organized look at demystifying all the attributes centered around a physical camera in V-Ray in Cinema 4D associating each to the controls of a real life camera. Specifically, in this tutorial, Patrick talks about shutter speed, ISO rating, Aperture, F-Stop from the view point of traditional photography and then applies those to the digital realm in Cinema 4D Physical renderer.
I will explain Shutter Speed, ISO Rating and Aperture/F-Stop from the perspective of traditional photography. In this process I will of course also talk about Motion Blur and Depth of Field
Patrick discusses depth of field and motion blur for Cinema 4D’s Physical renderer, and notes how the Physical Camera Attributes techniques will transfer over to using V-Ray as well using VrayForC4D. Patrick also extends the tutorial for Physical Camera settings in Cinema 4D by providing a look at using the Physical Camera properties in a project so you are able to see how the workflow will effect Physical Camera and Exposure Control in Cinema 4D, as well as covering a wider range of topics such as scene set up and rendering.
Unfortunately Patrick has never allowed embedding of his tutorials, however, you can check out the tutorial for Physical Camera and Exposure Control in Cinema 4D here, and part two MoGraph / Dynamics / DOF Practical Example Scene on his site here.
RT @lesterbanks: Understanding The Physical Camera and Exposure Control in Cinema 4D:
RT @lesterbanks: Understanding The Physical Camera and Exposure Control in Cinema 4D: