Thinkinetic’s PullDownIt plugin shares the same features for both 3ds Max and Maya, and here, Esteban Cuesta shows how to use the PullDownIt plugin for Maya and 3ds Max to create the destruction of a building facade, including rubble and breaking windows.

Esteban cuesta shows us how to make impressive facade destruction effects with Pulldownit plugin

Pulldownit! is a dynamics solver for Autodesk 3ds Max and Autdodesk Maya which allows for the creation of fractures as well as massive rigid bodies simulations and not too long ago, the release of PullDownIt 2 included new features for a more robust fracturing system which will allow you to create uniform, local, radial, path-based fractures as well as a wood splinter fracturing style.

PullDownIt 2 single license is node-locked for one machine only is 395 € or roughly $500.00, which will allow for multiple processor rendering.


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