Evermotion is taking a look at V-Ray Materials in the next few installments of their quick tip series, specifically looking at creating simple glass materials using the V-Ray Material.

This is the first part of a V-ray materials tip of the week series this Part is aimed for beginners and is including only the basic V-ray material settings, next week I will show you a more advanced glass settings like the use of fog and and maps for more realistic reflect and refract effects

The series will eventually travel through the majority of the V-ray materials including metal, concrete, using the V-Ray Blend Material, and SubSurface Scattering as well.

For the most part using a physical monolithic shader is fairly straight forward, however, you do need to have an understanding of not only what the settings are, but also what the settings are meant to do, in order to have the process of creating materials go smoothly.

This tutorial for Creating Simple V-Ray Glass Materials in V-Ray takes place in 3ds Max, however, V-Ray is V-Ray pretty much in any application that runs it (for the most part).