VrayGuide takes a look at creating a “fake” caustic look in V-Ray with a fairly easy set up that can produce the caustics with a far less render tax, and some pretty good results.

Here’s cool way of using omni light to produce fast (fake) caustics

Alex notes that he needed to find a solution to render out caustics in a V-Ray scene, when V-Ray was not cooperating, leaving bright splotches on the scene. Rather than troubleshoot the scene, he came up with this solution.

Alex uses an omni light in 3DS Max to fake the caustics in the scene, and notes that you really only need to adjust 3 parameters to get it looking good.

Alex is using 3DS Max here, however, V-Ray is V-Ray pretty much everywhere (with some minor differences), so I can see this working in any application as long as you are using V-Ray.