Providing another look at some of the newest features in VRAYforC4D, Josef Bsharah talks a bit about using the V-Ray Multimatte and uses Material ID’s expressing the compositing workflow for renders.
use the VRay Multimatte to separate our objects by assigning different ID’s from the VRay materials and the composting tag for the objects
Recently LAUBlab KG had a release update with VRAYforC4D 1.8, bringing the Cinema 4D bridge for V-Ray up to speed using a more recent version of V-Ray and providing an implementation for those new features within C4D.
One of those new features which Josef shows here, is the new MultiPass interface which now allows you to dynamically drag and drop, add or remove render pass layers, using a new code structure that will be seen throughout the VRAYforC4D product.