Have Cineware in After Effects Show Physical Render settings from Cinema 4D

in recently toying around with a cinema 4d file that had motion blur and depth of field in it, Vic Garcia noticed that although using the Physical renderer in C4D, After Effects did not show the DOF or the motion blur through the Cineware link plugin.

After a bit of tinkering, Vic found that some of Cineware’s settings needed to be changed as Cinema 4D lite does not support the physical renderer. Changing the settings to have the Cineware plugin point to the retail version of C4D will have the DOF and other physical renderer properties show up in Ae.

1 comment

  1. Bob Hemphill

    I can get this to with R15 as the render path (/Applications/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R15/CINEMA 4D.app) but not R16 in AE 2014. With R16 I get a Connection Failure. Any thoughts?


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