It may seem obvious to some that the installation for After Effects comes with a version of Cinema 4D. Plenty of people don’t realize, or maybe have forgotten that when you install After Effects, it also comes with a “lite” version of Cinema 4D. Perfect for creating and animating 3D type.

Lots of people don’t realize that Cinema 4D Lite is included in Adobe After Effects

There are still plenty of people around who don’t realize that C4D Lite is included in Adobe After Effects. If you are not yet using this feature, make sure you watch this entire thing. C4D Lite allows you to create, interact and render 3D objects right within After Effects, using the CineWare effect, or plugin. Taking advantage of this feature, Motion Array posts a really comprehensive look at creating true 3D type.

There are all kinds of tips and helpful info for creating true 3D type in After Effects and C4D lite, which includes extruding, texturing, lighting and adding dynamic reflections and finally animating 3D type. What’s more, Motion Array has made the project file available for download so you can see what makes it tick.