The Importance of Mocha Pro Lens Module

Andrew Spirk Gives a Short Overview of Mocha Pro Lens Module for Identifying and Managing Lens Distortion.

Mocha and Mocha Pro are so intuitive to use as a planar tracking visual effects tool that it’s easy to overlook some other aspects of the software. Mocha Pro comes with some modules that are not available within the bundled plugins that come with After Effects and Premiere. Features like the remove and lens module offer artists tools for an expanded visual effects workflow.

If you’ve just flipped through Mocha’s tabs and never really paid any attention to them, then you should have a watch through Clockwork 9 Studios Andrew Spirk’s tutorial where he covers the Mocha Pro Lens Module and how it can identify and work with lens distortions. Andrew overview includes many of the details housed under the lens module and how they work.

Visit our friends at Toolfarm to learn more about how Mocha Pro can expand your VFX Workflow.