How to Animate with OBJs in Stardust

James Ramirez shows how to create delicious FUI’s in Stardust animating with 3D OBJ files.

When we are all lucky, Art Director James Ramirez (friedpixels) breaks down one of his projects or the process behind his experiments. This time it’s how to animate with OBJs in Adobe After Effects using Stardust. “I’ve had a lot of request for tutorials on these animations, so I quickly put a video together to walk through how I set up my animation and also making this effect from scratch,” James says about it.

James first shows an overview of the animation set up but then details how to create it from scratch. Superluminal’s Stardust has 3D capabilities, allowing users to import and work with OBJs and work with them as particle instances. Sequential OBJs can quickly become animation with Stardust, opening up a whole range of possibilities. Check out one of Roland Hartmann’s tutorials that covered working with 3D objects, including volumetric lighting, all right within after effects.