Roland Reyer shows off some new changes to Print Pack for Bifrost that sees a new Print Engine.
Autodesk’s Roland Reyer’s Print Pack compounds for Bifrost Graph allow you to output or print text to the viewport in Maya. A new version adds a new print engine.
The additions can handle more possibilities for highlighting and formatting output text. “This new “Rich Engine “is available alongside the previous “Fast Engine,” Reyer says.
While both text engines can display text colors, only the Rich Engine will render font styles, text alignment, and the tabulator.
You can set font properties using simple inline commands that start with a backslash. Reyer provides an overview of all commands included as a text file and a Maya scene in the ZIP file.
With Print Pack 2.5, you can use one of the preset Quick Colors, choose new colors from a palette of pastel tones, or set an RGB color with a HEX number.
Check out the Bifrost Print Pack Compound here.