What’s New in Adobe Substance 3D Modeler 1.5

Vincent Gault covers the new features in the latest release of Substance 3D Modeler, including surfacing improvements, PBR materials, and more.

Adobe Substance 3D Modeler is an outlier regarding 3D DCCs. It has both a desktop and a VR client, allowing you to work between both. It is also an SDF modeler; add all that together and have a unique 3D experience.

Vincent GAULT (CGVINNY), a Senior Technical Evangelist at Adobe Substance 3D, covers all the new features in Substance 3D Painter 1.5 in around three minutes.

Many of the surfacing tools in 3D Modeler are reworked from the ground up, including buildup, smooth, and crease tools.

3D Modeler now supports PBR materials, making it easier to start materials at the modeling stage and finish them in Substance 3D Painter.

Also new to Modeler is IBL (image-based lighting), which lets you use images to create an entire environment and helps create highly realistic reflections and lighting.

Learn more about Substance 3D Modeler here.