Motion Tools for Softimage has reached an update to version 1.0. Motion Tools is Gustavo Eggert Boehs’s collection of tools (ICE compounds) that are geared towards creating motion graphics style work in Softimage.

You are able to find the Motion Tools Softimage Package on Gustavo Eggert Boehs’s site freely, for Softimage 2012, and 2013.

…Motion Tools is a small collection of tools that aims to aid Motion Graphic work being created inside Softimage…

Motion Tools workflow is centered towards creating simulations and procedural animation for multiple objects simultaneously and eases this type of Cinema 4D “MoGraph” style setup and makes it rather simple in Softimage.

The Tools are based on Standard Softimage ICE Nodes so files will be portable to any system running Soft, and this also makes it easy to add to, edit, or create custom effects in the ICE tree.

Motion Tools 1.0 sports these new features

  • Online Documentation
  • Sample Scenes
  • Transformation spaces in many modifiers
  • Simulation Workflow and Menus added
  • Get Animation from Clip Modifier

Enhancements and Changes of Behavior

  • Control objects automatically created and connected to Generate Array compound
  • Menus use current selection as input
  • Set Initial Shape and Color creates RBD and State information