Jordy Lakiere takes a two part look at the free and Open Source modeler WINGS3D, with a comprehensive introduction of navigation, keyboard shortcuts, and the modeling tools themselves with a practical demonstration.
Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use. Originally inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware, Wings has been developed since 2001, when Björn Gustavsson and Dan Gudmundsson first started the project. Wings is currently maintained by Richard Jones who has been with the project since 2006. Wings 3D offers a wide range of modeling tools, a customizable interface, support for lights and materials, and a built-in AutoUV mapping facility.
“Today Jordy Lakiere brings us day 2 of his in-depth introduction to the free, open source application Wings3D. Today Jordy will give us an extensive overview of UVmapping geometry, starting with primitive objects and then moving onto more complex meshes. Jordy will provide all the information you’ll need to start laying out your UV’s effectivly. In the fourth and final video, Jordy will discuss some of the additional features Wings has to offer, as well as some of the pro & cons of working with the package. This is a must watch tutorial for any artist interesting in learning and working with Wings3D. Download Wings3D for free at:”