What an interesting idea from RenderWeb, the notion of using Facebook as a rendering pool is indeed a novel one. RenderWeb is more than just a way to render animation files, RenderWeb is a new platform that allows friends and communities to share computational resources to render animations directly within Facebook where once the projects are rendered, the animations are available for the entire community to watch and tag.
1. Upload 3D Blender Animation Projects
RenderWeb is a platform for animators and friends to upload rendering projects, share rendering resources and view animations. Rendering projects can be uploaded to the to the Facebook Application. Once projects are uploaded they’re added to the queue and are ready to be rendered by the community.
2. Volunteer Your Computer for Social Rendering
Within Facebook, anyone can volunteer to help render animations by clicking on the volunteer button. The rendering occurs directly within the web browser and the volunteer is given a preview of the rendering process. While Blender is currently integrated into RenderWeb, our proprietary technology allows any renderer to be utilized.
3. Share 3D Animations on Your Facebook Wall
Once an animation is rendered, it is available for the entire community to watch and tag. Animation videos are generated using HTML5 video, which allows streaming to iPhones and compatible browsers. For browsers without HTML5, flash videos are streamed to the user.
“The RenderWeb Facebook Application allows you to socially render 3D projects by sharing computational resources with friends and communities. As a Facebook application, RenderWeb allows you to upload a Blender project, which can be rendered online by you and the community. After the rendering is completed, you can download your fully rendered animation project, and you can share your new 3D animation on your Facebook wall and within our collection of rendered videos.”