A new tutorial from 360 Media where they lay out simplifying the process of pulling a good key from a difficult green screen shot using After Effects and Keylight while preserving hair and finer details.

Greenscreen Quick Tip Video Tutorial from 360 Media on Vimeo.

As a full service ad agency, we occasionally get greenscreen footage from a client that needs to be composited into another shot. If you’re lucky, it was well lit and well shot but more often than not, you are going to need to spend some time working on getting a good key. In this video we give you a couple of quick tips to help you pull a good key focusing on pulling a key around the subject’s hair. In a future tutorial we will spend some time examining some of the concepts mentioned in this tutorial in greater detail. Thanks to our friends over at recareas.com for hosting the greenscreen clip. You can download it and follow along by going to recareas.com/?360mediavideo/?greenscreen-clip.mov

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