Laurie Knapp returns with another After Effects tutorial, this time showing in broad strokes the process for creating a simple eye color replacement for shot footage in After Effects.

The basic outline:
1. Track footage, apply to null
2. Create larger than comp solid, parent to null
3. Duplicate source footage, color correct bottom layer to make eye color you want
4. Draw mask on the overlying footage (subtract) to reveal color corrected eye
5. Cut and paste the masks from footage to solid (then delete from source)
6. Place the solid just above your overlying footage and then use it as an alpha track matte.
7. If the person blinks, you’ll have to keyframe the mask opacity to turn it on and off during portions where eyes are closed.

“Not a full work-through, but I wanted to point out the basics of an easy way to do eye replacement on simple footage without a lot of movement. It also shows a simple technique for applying motion tracking to a mask rather than having to hand animate it to match subject or camera movement. “