BraveRabbit shares a Maya Axis Align Tool he scripted for his last project making it easier to move component selections in Maya while working. Check out the post and download: Maya Align Component Axis Tool

//edit the first line to change the key and modifier
hotkey -keyShortcut “A” -alt -name (“icAlignComponentAxisNameCommand”);
nameCommand -annotation “icAlignComponentAxis” -sourceType “mel” -command (“icAlignComponentAxisCommand”) icAlignComponentAxisNameCommand;
runTimeCommand -annotation “Align the manipulator with the current component selection” -category “User” -commandLanguage “mel” -command (“icAlignComponentAxis”) icAlignComponentAxisCommand;

Just recently, while cleaning up a CAD model and remodeling parts, I noticed how cumbersome it is in Maya to move the current component selection along a specific axis, especially then the geometry needs to be extended. Though Maya has some nice tools to set the specific axis the way to get there can be really annoying, especially when lots of vertices are involved.