Creating a Quick After EFfects Expression for targeting a camera with Felt Tips. This is a quick method that goes beyond the regular “look at” type of expressions in After Effects using toWorld() and fromWorld() to make a robust camera targeting system that doesn’t look for camera, target or both layers to be parented to other layers. Great stuff here.
“10 minute After Effects expressions tutorial, detailing how to use toWorld() and fromWorld() to make a robust camera targetter that doesn’t care if camera, target or both are parented to other layers. First of a series of ten tutorials showing some very cool and very useful expressions that are only a few lines long.”
Hi there Lester !
First of all thank you for this priceless tutorial !
I’m kind of strugling with something though. I have checked many times and it seems all the expressions are exactly the same. The dolly works fine but when I rotate either the cam target or the target parent, nothing happens (null rotates but cam does not follow). I’m using CS5.5 and was wondering if maybe some function got implemented which changes the way to proceed.
thanks a lot for your help !
Actually, I have found a workaround which involves parenting the target parent to the dolly. is this problematic in some way ?
thank you very much !