VinhSon Nguyen from CreativeDojo looking at how to create glitchy and twitchy effects in After Effects without the use of any third party plugins or scripts, which is to say, only using the built in tools in After Effects with a few basic expressions. Check out the Creating a Glitch Effect in After Effects with Expressions Tutorial here.

VinhSon Nguyen writes: “In this tutorial, we’re going to be covering how you can achieve a nice ‘glitchy twitch’ effect within After Effects without any 3rd party plugins or scripts. We will only be using the built in tools in After Effects as well as a few basic parenting expressions. After doing the ‘Breathe Life Back Into After Effects Lens Flares’ tutorial, I started to really like hooking things up with expressions and controlling them with a ‘Control’ layer, so we’ll be doing that again for this effect.”