ShaderBox, the visual node based RenderMan shader management tool recently reached Version 1.0 and although there doesn’t appear to be a lot of changes from its previous version, Pantheon Studios is making an offer to purchase ShaderBox at a special promotional price of $149 which will stand until 30th April 2012.
Check out ShaderBox RenderMan Shader tool here for more information.
ShaderBox provides a customized workflow to create RenderMan shaders interactively through graphical user interface which will allow you to craft RenderMan Shaders without any programming involved. ShaderBox hosts plenty of features including:
- Customized Interface
- Unlimited Undo-Redo
- Canvas navigation. (Zoom, Pan, Region Zoom, Region/Zoom Selection etc.)
- Multiple shader creation in tabbed interface.
- Live preview mode.
- Easy XML based shader templates.
- Function or code based shaders.
- User friendly Attribute Editor.
- Collapsible visual node on canvas.
- Attribute as shader parameters.
- Shader annotations.
- Custom preview RIBs.
- Color coded connections.
- Connection Manager.
- Cut/Copy/Paste node network in between shaders.
- Selective AOV compilation.
- Pipeline integration using comm port.