the **GREAT** Jason Schleifer has put his older Rigging DVD’s Series INTEGRATING A CREATURE RIG & FAST ANIMATION RIGS ON sale for a suggested price of $4.99 or pay whatever you think is fair. Jason notes that he has been toiling over what to do with the older rigging DVDs that were really written about 10 years ago… and while the content is still quite relevant, it’s been a while since the material has been updated.

“I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with those older rigging DVDs that I used to sell through LULU. They were written about 10 years ago (woah!), and while the content is still quite relevant, it’s been a while since I’ve updated it. I wanted to keep the material available to people, so I’ve decided to have a sale…”

Presented at Siggraph 2001 and 2002 by Jason Schleifer, these two DVDs are the basis for many of the character animation rigging techniques used in the industry today. While they were originally created for earlier versions of Maya, most of the concepts still apply incredibly well. The two dvds (selling for $50 each when they were first released) are now available to you at whatever price you feel is fair. Enjoy!


  1. heya Lester!

    thanks for linking to the offer! 🙂 just a quick note.. this isn’t for the Animator Friendly Rigging series.. this is for the two older dvds – integrating a creature rig and fast animation rigs.. I may extend the offer to the Animator Friendly Rigging series at some point ,but for now, it’s just those two older ones. 🙂


    • sorry for that! i took it from the html title of your sale page, but i fixed this post now – thanks Jason!

  2. pkisme

    i do hope this comes in digital copy.

  3. No worries! Also, since the Pay what you want sale went so well.. I’m doing a 50% off Animator Friendly Rigging sale through the rest of the 4th of july weekend! 🙂

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