Simon Russell, a freelance animation director and mo-graph designer based in London, offers PolyStepper which is a simple tool that he created for a recent project of his that will deform any polygon object onto a MoGraph Cloner in Cinema 4D.

PolyStepper is written with Xpresso and will attach the points of any polygon selected in Cinema 4D randomly onto any MoGraph Cloner Object. There are also some controls that will allow you to change the step count for the placed polygon, the speed, as well as the random seed… everything you would need really. A pretty simple premise, although quite handy for this task. Simon has also made a little tutorial describing Polystepper’s use showing three examples of how you might employ PolyStepper with the last example showing how PolyStepper works with flowing Particles in Cinema 4D. Here is a direct link where you can download PolyStepper c/o Simon Russell.

Download PolyStepper here:
Watch the Polystepper in action:
Simon Russell’s website:
Simon Russell’s blog: