Rigger, TD, Animator & Mentor, Suchan Bajracharya who also runs the Puppeteer Lounge Animation Workshop and Studio, shows how you can set up a prop like accessory a wristwatch on a characters hand where the watch will follow the movements of the hand without any penetration happening.

This quick tip comes in answer to a student query from the puppeteer lounge rigging workshops which you can find out more about here.

Rigging tips and techniques demonstrated to create a simple wrist watch setup or similar accessories on a character

This is briefly put together with some deformer curves, using a follicle from the Maya Hair System, and with some parented joints that are bound to the accessory, in this case, the wrist watch.

This takes care of the sliding movement for the watch on the wrist, but it doesn’t actually take care of the watch moving with the hand. This is done by simply adding a wrap deformer between the hand and the wristwatch.