Small boutique VFX software developer founded by Mike Wong, Artixels, have been working on Escher which is a suite of 10 essential plugins for The Foundry’s NUKE that provide advanced 2.5D lighting and image generation effects.
our debut vfx plug-in album escher includes 8 essential plug-ins for advanced 2.5D lighting and 2 image generation plug-ins, the 10-track full album will be available for The Foundry Nuke
Recently Escher has been released as a beta for Win64 and Linux64, and Artixels is scheduling an official release for some time in December this year. Artixel also has plans to expand the Escher suite of plugins to other compositors other than NUKE in the near future, perhaps After Effects will benefit from the suite as well.
Artixels Escher for NUKE provides some Spherical Harmonics processing nodes in NUKE for working with light probe image projections and lambertian shading offering up to six bands of Spherical Harmonic coefficients that can be embedded in Open EXR files or even metadata streams.
There are also some image space shading and fake skin shading nodes in Escher as well as several utility nodes for normal mapping and depth mapping and anti-aliasing. Escher also comes with two image generations plugins, one that creates a wavy underwater caustic-like procedural image similar to what can be developed in After Effects using the radio waves plugin, and another for creating photorealistic sky renders procedurally in NUKE.
Escher for Nuke is for The Foundry Nuke version 6.3 on 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux and there are plans for MacOS X based on demand for the product. Escher for Nuke will be priced at US$399 which includes 1-year email technical support and maintenance. For more information on Escher including beta testing or product evaluation about Escher for Nuke, check out Artixels Escher here.