Hugin, the open sourced and free panoramic photo stitcher has recently updated to version 2012.0.0 adding the ability to read and write lens parameters by way of the lensfun library. The lensfun library is an open source database of photographic lenses attributes initiated by Andrew Zabolotny to provide the algorithmic lens properties and calibration data tools for developers for correcting images.
The lensfun library for reading and writing lens parameters from/to database has now been integrated into Hugin. Users can now search the lensfun library and load lens parameter
Hugin has been around since late 2003 as a cross platform open source program creating panorama photo stitching and HDR images, and since has been constantly under development providing regular updates and improvements. Hugin 2012.0.0 also includes improvements to the cpfind including a prealign matching strategy and pair-wise matching for the multi-row heuristic feature, and added the option to keep exposure fused stacks, plus many bug fixes. As always, Hugin can be downloaded at SourceForge and Launchpad.
RT @lesterbanks: Hugin Panorama Photo Stitcher Manages Lens Distortion With New Release: