In tinkering with his new MakerBot Replicator 2 3D Printer, Glen Southern walks us through his process for getting models prepared for 3D printing using a Cinema 4D template that he created for building the models to scale with reference for 3D Printing… Some pretty interesting stuff!
Having recently started to use a Makerbot Replicator 2 to output some of my digital creations, I decided to share the scene file I use to build things in. In this video I’m using Cinema4D to prepare and export a range of models for 3DPrinting
Glen steps through some of the possibilities in using the Cinema 4D template file for 3D Printing, and also shows an example of a model in Cinema 4D transferring it to the MakerWare software for 3D Printing. Not everyone has a 3D Printer, however if you do, Glen is making the Cinema 4D file available for use which can be downloaded (direct download).
The recently released MakerBot Replicator 2 3D Printer represents a low cost and fairly easy to use 3D printer able to print out up to a 410 cubic inch build volume.
Pak Sungtae
Pak Sungtae liked this on Facebook.
Awesome and Thank You 🙂
I am looking at getting the Replicator 2x and am glad I can use Cinema to export models. Its the only 3D program I enjoy using and cant wait to get printing.