Kaine Van Riel shows how you can take some of the tedium out of your workday if you ever have the need to remove tracking markers from a shot using After Effects. If you have ever tried to remove anything in AE, you will understand that this is clearly not one of the strengths of After Effects at all, (seriously this shot can be finished in minutes using mocha Pro) as you have to almost manually do everything in the entire process yourself, and this is where Kaine proves that creating an automated set up for this task can be a real timesaver. If you are using After EFfects for track marker removal, this is a great watch.

Often tracking markers are needed to achieve accurate matchmoves, however we commonly find ourselves with the laborious task of having to remove these trackers

Kaine Van Riel shows that by using an Expression for converting 3D coordinates to a 2D coordinate space so that After Effects can use that information to move around a pre-made patch over the marker that you want to remove. Check out the tutorial for Automating Simple Track Marker Removal in After Effects here.

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