Arvid Schneider shows how you can create your own custom fractures in RayFire for 3ds Max providing an in depth look at achieving realistic simulations in RayFire. RayFire for 3DS has been one of those tools that I always wanted to see on other platforms, however it remains strictly and envious tool for Max which gives you the ability to create some really fantastic dynamic simulations including all the cool things like fracturing and exploding.

This Tutorial is about creating your custom Rayfire Shatter shapes. It gives and indepth look how to set up your Rayfire Tracing settings and how to achieve realistic simulations

Arvid provides a short introduction to using RayFire, and also notes that RayFire can be used as a modeling tool, replacing the need for displacement maps. Arvid has also started a youtube channel that you should subscribe to here, and has recently started working with a team creating 3D and VFX on a feature film -his first one, so congratulations Arvid!