Daniel Gies revisits his “From Paper to After Effects” Series, and in part two, discusses the process for developing the Rocket Randee Character and takes a look at preparing the character pieces in Photoshop with some methods for creating or suggesting texture in the character’s clothes.
In this video I show you three different ways that you can add texture to the line drawings of Rocket Randee. I also go over the use of shapes and folders to create your puppet pieces for a non-drawing approach
Alhtough part three has seemingly little to do with After Effects, this is a great look at the entire process as the titles suggest right from “paper” all the way to After Effects, and probably represents the most thorough look creating characters in Photoshop, rigging and animating them in After Effects. Check out Daniel’s post for lesson 03 of From Paper to After Effects, Adding Texture to Line Drawings here.