I received a quick note from Broadcast designer Trevor Coates notifying me of a great tutorial series he has created on building the Superman Logo entirely in After Effects which covers actually modeling the logo in AE, adding textures to the logo, and rendering and casting shadows for the final scene.
a 5-part tutorial series that explains how to create his 3D version of the Superman logo using ShapeShifter AE, entirely in After Effects. He walks us through his meticulous design and creative processes, and shares his technical expertise
Trevor Demonstrates how to sculpt the logo using ShapeShifter AE and After Effects’ Variable Feather Masks and some standard 2D Effects to create displacement maps. Trevor then covers how to create animated textures for the logo in After Effects, takes a look at color grading, compositing, and provides some tips along the way. Finally, the last in the series shows how you can have ShapeShifter AE cast shadows onto After Effects layers. Check out the tutorial for Creating the SuperMan Logo in After Effects Using ShapeShifter AE in five parts with: Introduction to Creating the Superman 3D Logo Entirely in After Effects, Modeling the Superman 3D Logo with ShapeShifter AE & Variable Feather Mask, Adding Animated Textures to the Superman 3D Logo, Adding the Final Touches to the Superman 3D Logo, Casting Shadows From ShapeShifter AE Onto After Effects 3D Layers