Christian Bull walks us through creating what he calls a gesture sculpt from life or a live model, extending from premise developed while he was at Double Negative, where a class would get a model and sculpt the whole figure in one sessions, or in roughly two or three hours.

based off a sculpt done from a live model over two 3 hour sessions, focusing on capturing gesture, the essence of the pose, and the character of the model

It is really interesting to see the workflow here in ZBrush to quickly model capturing gesture and the essence of the pose as well as the character of the model.

Christian notes that sculpting the whole figure is much more difficult than life drawing as you are capturing all of the live model model in the round. Providing a voice over from one of these sessions, Christian first focuses on the initial block in of forms, and talks about the differences encountered between real life sculpting and sculpting digitally in ZBrush gesturally.