Motiva released an update to Colimo, its texture and lighting workflow tool for real time feadback that allows you to change materials over what are basically pre-rendered images, which adds native support for V-Ray.
a realtime postproduction tool that allows change materials over prerendered images, taking in account physical accurate reflections, refractions and GI bleeding and Vray
Colimo is a post tool, which allows you to change the scene in real time…after the rendering process, making it rending engine independent only needing a small amount of render passes of the Colimo shader in Mental Ray, Modo, Thea Render, and now V-Ray, adding native support for Vray 2.40.
Find out more About Motiva Colimo 1.7’s features here. Also of note, Colimo is 30% off right now, until the end of July.