Mari Procedural Library adds new procedural types with the likes of Gabor, Value, Perlin, Simplex, Brownian, Cellular and more, from its creator, Character Artist Miguel A Santiago Jr., going as deep as adding more functionality to Mari’s Shader API.

This means that you will be able to modify and access the Mari Procedural Library to create completely new shaders from the noise functions that Mari Procedural Library Adds.

This isn’t simply just a shader library that adds new nodes to Mari, but overall adds new functionality to the shader API that other shader writers can access and modify to create there own shaders from the various new noise functions added in code to the Mari shader API

Miguel notes that the Mari Procedural Library 1.0 is far more efficient and more accurate than Mari’s standard noise library, by using the new GPU based noise library from Brian Sharpe.

The Mari Procedural Library also gives you back the full featured cellular noise function that can easily parody organic cellular patterns. Mari Procedural Library 1.0 is open source under the GNU General Public License and includes the source code allowing you to modify or improve on it.

For more information on the Mari Procedural Library check out it’s page here.