Integrating RealFlow Mesh and Particles in Maya Using V-Ray, Krakatoa and Nuke

Offering some insights for new users or for people who want to get started with using higher end tools to create and render simulations, Dieuwer Feldbrugge has you covered with his first tutorial. His look at Integrating Realflow mesh and particles using Maya, V-Ray, Krakatoa MY and Nuke is really all about creating a simulation and following it through from rendering to final compositing.

 In this part I will show you how to simulate the stuff that we need using Realflow 2013 and Hybrido. In the next two parts we will render this sim and its mesh in Maya using V-Ray and Krakatoa MY. And we’ll color the Krakatoa render by velocity using MagmaDieuwer Feldbrugge -

As far as what Dieuwer takes you through, it is really the standard and basic water being actively poured into a container -Something that you probably have seen many, many times before, probably due to the fact that it is a great place to start.

about creating a simulation and following it through from rendering to final compositing

Dieuwer shows how to simulate the liquid forms in RealFlow 2013 with Hybrido – RealFlow’s latest fluid technology. Hybrido is actually an acronym pulled from what it does – HYBrid laRge dImension LiquiD solver.

RealFlow Hybrido

The technology was integrated in RealFlow to assist in creating larger liquid simulations realistically and practically. The “hybrid” part of Hybrido is from the fact that it uses both the detail preserving particles as well as the grid based simulation solutions to offer the best of both worlds.

The tutorial continues to see the simulation rendered in Maya using Krakatoa MY and V-Ray, and then finally following the workflow through to the end sees the compositing all the elements rendered with Nuke.