Creating a Live MultiCamera Workflow With Cinema 4D and After Effects

Sean Frangella shows how you can get live updates between After Effects and Cinema 4D. This will allow you to edit scenes on the fly without constantly having to re-render for small or large changes.

Learn how to easily set up a live MultiCamera workflow between Cinema 4D and After EffectsSean Frangella

Working with the CINEWARE Effect in After Effects, it is easy to streamline your camera workflows between C4D and Ae.

This is actually the 4th tutorial from Sean that is part of a larger Cinema 4D Camera tutorial series. The others covered Camera animation in Cinema 4D, getting familiar with the camera properties, and creating camera rigs in Cinema 4D to assist in animation and keying workflows.

Part 1, Camera Animation:

Part 2, Camera Properties

Part 3, Camera Rigs: