Autodesk’s Technical Specialist Steven Roselle reviews the newest UV editing tools and workflows in Maya 2015. It’s no secret that Maya’s UV tools have been in need of a major overhaul over the last few year. It is with Maya 2015 that forges some new life into the UV workflows that were long forgotten by Autodesk and tended to by scriptures and third party developers. Maya 2015 is the largest release in the UV editor area in recent memory.
Steven has a look at the new Unfold 3D algorithm and also takes a look at it’s companion tool, AutoUnwrapUVs which is part of the Maya Bonus Tools. Maya 2015 has a new checker and distortion shader that can assist in UV workflows. Steven shows both demonstrating how the new shaders can be used to easily evaluate your UV results within Maya 2015.
In part 1 of my Maya 2015 UV editing overview I’ll cover the new Unfold 3D algorithm along with the companion BonusTools called AutoUnwrapUVs. I’ll also show how the related Checker and Distortion Shading options can be used to evaluate the results.