Driving a Clock with Xpresso

Sepluk has a look at driving a clock’s animation using Xpresso in C4D. If you are just getting into Xpresso, or what a refresher on some parts, then creating a clock animation purely with Xpresso is a great exercise.


More Resources for Xpresso driven Animation

There are plenty of great tutorials over the last few years that have been posted here, getting you started with all levels of using Xpresso in C4D.

There are also a few related tutorial using expressions to drive animation in general, starting with School of Motion’s Joey Korenman.  This is a look at providing the basic foundations for using Xpresso and expressions in Cinema 4D by creating expressions that will actually run a Clock which will keep real time. Using Expressions to Create a Working Clock in Cinema 4D With Xpresso.

Also relevant is Mographcandy.com’s Dan Conrad who offers a look into automating animation in Cinema 4D and covers the basic functions of the Xpresso nodes that can replace keyframes. Automate Animation in Cinema 4D With Xpresso System Presets.

With a similar premise, taking things a bit further, Julian Field posts a look at using expressions in Cinema 4D to link together a pump and pressure gauge. Setting a Reaction Between Two Objects Using Xpresso.

Keeping with animation automation, Sam Welker takes a look at using “oscillation” in Cinema 4D when using nodes and the MoGraph Module that will allow you to create Sine Waves, Circles, and Spirals for various creative tasks and animation in Cinema. Creating Oscillation with Xpresso and Mograph in Cinema 4D.