Getting to Know MASH’s New Symmetry and Blend Nodes, and the Breakout Utility

Mainframe’s Ian Waters covers some of the newly minted features in MASH for Maya. Ian walks through a simple tutorial showing how to reflect MASH networks using the symmetry node. The Symmetry node is something that creeped into MASH version 3.1.1, allowing you to reflect your network in any axis that you choose.

how to reflect your networks using the Symmetry node

The Blend Deformer in MASH has been around since version 3.1 and allows you to blend from one shape to another in MASH, giving you control over the blend  with Maps, Falloff objects and even a Curve. Ian shows how to use the Blend and Jiggle deformers in MASH to create a morph from one object to another with the help of a falloff object.


The Breakout Utility in MASH allows you to connect any animatable attribute and drive it using a MASH network. As a given example, you could connect the X axis from the position channel of a Waiter, to the in thickness of an Extrude node.
Ian shows how to use the bend deformer as an example but this could apply,  to an extrusion, the width of a bevel, the number of subdivisions of an object, colour, etc.