The Render Blog posts an excerpt for the newly released CG Generalist course showing how to use Photoshop to linearize textures for your 3D renders.

we will see how to convert your default sRGB textures to linear inside Photoshop

João also helps us understand how Photoshop deals with color profiles and color lookups with a short demonstration.

Linear workflow throughout the production pipeline, although essential, is still either a very personalized or very confusing workflow. Even though this tutorial doesn’t walk through the linear workflow per se, it is great to know how to linearize images in Photoshop using color profiles.

Depending on our process, you have the option to linearize textures right within your host 3D application, or host render engine. Most applications will accommodate a linearize textures process with a couple of clicks.

Check out the complete post over at The Render Blog, to learn How to linearize textures in Photoshop.

The Render Blog recently posted what looks to be a very valuable source for learning CG techniques, releasing the CG Generalist course. The course’s content is divided into four sections, Photoshop, Maya, Nuke, and Theory, with each section containing over 20 tips or tutorials.


CG Generalist Course Pricing and Availability

The Render Blog’s CG Generalist Course can be purchased through the Render Blog, for $39.00 – giving you around two and a half hours of content. To learn more about the CG Generalist Course, check out the Render Blog here.