Motion graphic designer Alex White offers a look into using his aw_Triangulator for creating super easy, clean looking low polygon backgrounds in After Effects.
Quick tip on how you can quickly and easily create nice low-poly background in After Effects.
The aw_Triangulator script creates the Delaunay triangulation effect using position from selected layers. The Triangulator script can aniamte masks in Ae using the built in tracker tools, then creates nulls from those mask vertices and creates the triangles from those nulls, using After Effect’s Shape Layers.
The Triangulator script offers a panel after the triangulation, that will allow you to easily customize the result or add expressions throughout all the selected layers’ targeted properties.
The process isn’t entirely automated, rather it is user driven. The script uses animated mask vertices as the points needed to create the triangles for the effect. aw_Triangulator gives you a UI panel that will let you apply tracker information to your mask points, apply the mask, create nulls needed for the triangulation effect, and then triangulate the elements.
aw_Triangulator Script Features:
- Animate Masks inside After Effects using built-in tracker
- Break Masks into vertices using “Null” layers
- Create triangulation effect (triangles via Shape Layers).
- Clone custom layer using positions from selected layers.
- Additional panel for batch add / customize expressions throught all selected layers
aw_Triangulator Script recently had a new cleaner interface added, and can be found on VideoHive for just $13.00. Check out the aw_Triangulator Script for After Effects here.