We all have parts of our job that we love, and other parts we absolutely dislike. In addition, during a project, there may not always be time to do what you either love or hate. If you are short for time, or perhaps you really dislike the tedium that can be creating BlendShapes… A new online BlendShape service sets out to “have your back”.
Blendshapes on demand is a service that produce a set facial expressions perfectly adapted to your characters in a short amount of time.
EISKO Services, recently launched an online tool that can generate a complete set of BlendShapes from a single head model that you upload. BlendShapes on Demand can make your character ready for animation faster. The service focuses on quality in a short amount of time. When you upload your head model, a complete set of BlendShapes are directly transferred to your mesh. The deformations are automatically adapted to the morphology of your character.
How The BlendShape Service Works
The BlendShape service works automatically, based on tech developed over years of production at Eisko. The service will transfer deformations from one FBX or OBJ mesh to another. It does this independently of their topology, while taking their differences into account. You can either choose to transfer EISKO’s BlendShape library or use a set of your own, and transfer those to the model.
The whole thing is automated, and takes about 20 minutes, but can depend on the number of models submitted.
EISKO Services plans to expand the number of online tools for artists. The BlendShape service represent the first of many tools, and is currently in beta. Visit EISKO Services FAQ for more information.