If you were impressed by Janos Hunyadi’s (Creative Case) last tool, then you remember ShellMod, a Maya extension that could “solidify” surfaces much like 3ds Max has a shell modifier tool. Janos has been creating new plugins and updates, and his latest update to ClonerMulti shows some great promise.
The plugin is meant to be a procedural modeling tool for Maya that lets you work with instances in creative ways. At first I thought ClonerMulti was very similar to MASH, Maya’s motion graphics toolkit. Upon closer inspection however, it is more similar to the features that you would find in RailClone, Itoo’s parametric modelling plugin for 3ds Max.
I must say, every time I come across a RailClone tutorial or example, I really jones for that functionality in Maya. ClonerMulti recently updated with a new version that has support for snapping vertices of the instanced geometry, and now allows for scattering instances thorough a UV Map.
Check out the demo video showing some of the uses of ClonerMulti, below. Creative Case’s Cloner Multi plugin for Maya is available for roughly $15.00.