Magnus Møller Posts a New Course That Shows How to Use Nodes to Create an Easily Editable Stylized Procedural Eye in Maya
Magnus Møller is an Art Director and Generalist at Tumblehead Studios. Once in a while, Møller produces in-depth and low-cost tutorials based on character creation, specifically, stylized characters. His latest takes a dive into creating a procedural eye in Maya, so that it can easily and quickly be modified for other characters. “It’s a method I use both in my personal and commercial work because it can quickly generate different look iterations” Møller says.
He also mentions that the process can be used in more places than just for an eye. “This technique can be applied to a lot more than just an eye shader, for example cloth patterns, different materials like mud, cement, clay , etc. I hope it can be an introduction to procedural workflows for artists that would like to include that their skillset.”
The tutorial is available on Magnus Møller’s Gumroad page for $25.00. Visit Creating a Procedural Eye for more information.